Powder Matter is healthy fast food.
Be it as powdered mixes that are nutritionally complete and that can be prepared in no time into a drinkable shake, or be it as meal bars that can be eaten as a complete meal or as a snack.
The meals that Powder Matter produces, are characterized by a variety of ingredients where several of the main ingredients are superfoods and very long satiety.
February 1st, 2024 A new post- To inform about some changes I had to make You may have noticed that I only write when I need to share something important.
A SIMPLE RECIPE Cooked Quinoa Extra’s with your order As a thank you for the trust, the many warm and supportive e-mails I have received, I decided to include a
Back from a long vacation Powder Matter is back from a long break, which started as a summer break during the summer. As you might know, but also not, Powder
We took a break Around the 15th of march the Dutch government decided that schools should be closed and education should continue from home, using some or other forms of
Because of an imposed policy change from Trustpilot.com, we removed our account with them.
Powder Matter – Balanced & Complete